Another day, another current generation FPS to come to the shelves, I will admit though when I looked at this game, I had lots of conflicting issues. Firstly, that it was mighty expensive at £45. New releases sometimes come in at £40 or less, but this seemed a lot more then I was expected. Regardless I looked at the box art, and thought to myself. “Hmmm, doesn’t tell me much on the front. What about the back?”
The tagline is “Fight the past to save the future. Stop the Singularity.” And I will admit; it was basically another FPS with Time-Manipulation abilities involved. And as I’ m such a nerd when it comes to Time Manipulation or Paradoxes or anything like that, I instinctively got it. Well done Activision for probing the right side of my brain to warrant me to get your game, bravo!
Anyway, I digress.
I got my game version for the PS3 (Although I learnt that it could be obtained for the PC, damn my attention-span) and so after freeing up some space Goodbye Metal Gear Solid 4. I turned it on.
First impressions, as always for FPS using current-generation graphics, beautiful, realistic but still lacking substance and atmosphere; you start off watching a video of the current situation in-game, regarding the Russians and the search for Ultimate power and how American’s were douche bags, etc etc. How the Russians discovered a new element called E99 and harvested it on an island in the middle of nowhere, and how it was so powerful it could destroy the world, mutant humans and even clean the house and wash the dishes. Basically, the scenario is unique but the premise is old and cliché.
So, to add more salt to the wound for the cliché, the American’s send in a Ghost-Team to go find out what’s been going on on the island. (Since it was now 2010 and the island was founded in 1955) Surprise surprise, helicopter goes down, half of the team is killed, you survive (Oh lucky lucky you) and you discover the events of the story as you explore the island.
Now, first off. I can not stress enough that FPS games *need* a subtitle ability. I searched for ages and ages looking for it, but alas I just had to turn the music and SFX volume down enough so that I could hear the voice acting and such. In the end I felt like I missed out on the conversations whenever I had to dispose of a person or creature because the noises from battle were so loud and overkill that the voices just dimmed away! Good FPS’s give the players the option to have subtitles, so don’t ignore that sound-reasoning. Give us the option to have it, because I would gladly use them!
Anyway, back to the game play. I won’t say anything along the lines of the storyline, it’s relatively simple to understand and such but its better if I don’t spoil anything by saying what happens. Yet in saying THAT! The ending was very obvious and apparent that I had guessed it way before the game opening cut-scene had even started. Regardless of that though, the game itself IS very good. A nice new approach to Time abilities and FPS combat mixed nicely together. The enemies were realistic enough, even going as far as giving me a scare the first time I ever encountered one. But the AI needed little more work (But I don’t blame anyone for that, that’s just the way it is)
My pro opinions about the game are; it’s right up my alley, good combat, interesting time controlling skills, fantastic voice acting (when you could hear it), attractive storyline, immense level-designs and the Seeker Gun FTW.
My cons however go as followed. Introducing the most basic, worthless, boring female character EVER that seems to fill no-other role in the game itself then just to be the only living thing on the island with boobs, (aside from the ending of course) Overpowered guns, paradoxes that make NO logical sense. No subtitles function, no chapter selection option. Completely ripped-off audio diaries scattered everywhere. (Jeez, what FPS hasn’t done that yet?) And finally, the Russians!
Now, don’t get me wrong. I love the Russian culture and stuff, but what is WITH them lately, they’ve been in almost every single new video games lately. Seriously?
Anyway…I give this game a good score of 85%. It’s good, so defiantly give it a go!