Let me first start off by saying something. I’m a writer. It’s very easy for me, as an individual to create something from the air and to express it through writing. Whether that’s by jotting the ideas down into a book, or opening a new file on my laptop; either way, the job gets done.
Unfortunately, for me, over the past two months, my muse wells have run completely dry. I haven’t felt this in a long time and the thought that I am not being as creative as I’d like is utterly depressing.
So, in order to combat this immense writers block, I am undertaking a small yet personal challenge for myself and I hope I get supported in doing so. I am going to write in my blog, everything that happens to me over the course of this month of December, it’s basically keeping a diary of everything that goes on in my daily life but it’s more about putting the words to paper (or rather keypad in this example) to help overcome this problem.
Therefore, without further due, I give you my life.
Yesterday was a bit of an adventure for me personally, I had taken the day off from work because I was invited to a job interview for the local railway network. I was contacted the week before from out of the blue by a woman asking if I was interested in a position now available. Now normally I wouldn’t have had a problem with this, after all I had spent the whole of this year trying to get interviews for a job, any job. But the problem was that at the same time I was being offered an interview, my current boss in the job I work with at the moment was offering me a part time position as a weekend supervisor.
It was at this point where I struggled with my decisions, should I go for the interview and if I got the job just leave my temp one. Or do I take the new supervisor job, a role that I wasn’t fully comfortable with. I had far to many questions buzzing in my head at the time, yet with good reason though.
I’m a simple man, I like my jobs easy and straight-forward, and whenever I feel that my control of a situation is sliping, then I panic.
Anyway, I digress.
In the end, I spoke to my current boss who encouraged me to take the interview anyway, in fact, quite alot of people said the same thing, and they were right after all. Nothing bad ever happened from just having an interview; you show your face, shake your fanny about and leave. And if they liked your fanny enough, they’ll call you back and say you got the job.
So around 2 o’clock yesterday, I boarded a train from my hometown and headed into a direction I have never travelled to before, Ipswich. The journey took about 40 minutes, leaving me plenty of time to find the Customer services booth where I needed to sign in.
I was right behind a person who stepped inside first and introduced himself by name and that he was here for an interview. I quickly realised that he currently works for the company already, seeing as he spoke to the staff members as an equal. I then signed in after him and was told to wait right there until I was called. Thirty minutes passed and two more interviewees arrived, the small booth was getting very busy all of a sudden.
Finally, me and the man (who’s name was John) were sent upstairs to wait for someone to see us, and so we waited for another half an hour. It was nerve-racking, and hte only good thing was talking to John. He was a nice bloke and I hope he got the job because he kinda needed it.
Anyway, eventually someone poked their head of a door and asked who I was, after a miscommunication, it turned out that I was originally put down as a NO SHOW, which was bullshit because I arrived perfectly on time. So I had an interview with the world’s most....apathic man ever. All I can remember thinking during gthe whole thing was wanting to come home, it just seemed like a waste of time, almost as if I shouldn’t have bothered in the first place.
So, yeah. That was yesterday, today however was rather mellow. I had a late shift for work which was easy to do, but I was determined to write this blog out during the day so I had something to show for my muse. So here we are. I know nothing particular interesting happened today, but here we are. These are my writings and I hope they help.