I'm not even kidding now. I've been neglecting my blog now for months and months and it's just not fair on the poor bugger. I've been having alot of issues lately with my writing. Ideas have been launching from my head like rounds from an AK-47.
I've never been so excited than in the past two weeks to just start writing and get it all on paper. But then that's when the problems start. My first theory is is that I'm simply creating far too many ideas so that I am paralyzed by them. I want to pursue a story in terms of zombies but then I want to implement an element of sci-fi, then a romance, and then nuclear fallout, and then everything gets back to the way it’s supposed to be. And then the circle continues… You see what I mean?
It’s so difficult to focus on a segment of writing that I’m particularly happy with. So instead, I've decided to do something a little bit different. I’m going to try and write in my blog as much as I humanly can. I’m going to flood my pages with content of my own life in order to get a break from the fiction and make believe and focus on the reality and normality that I am burdened with. So as I write this, I am currently at my job. I know, I know, I should be working.
Well I still am. I’m at the front desk, I’m talking to people and making others feel welcome when they arrive. But I've been so effective. (I thank ya) That there’s presently nothing for me to keep myself occupied with. And alas, here we are. It’s come down to this. My boredom has overtaking me and now I’m writing whilst working. It’s a dream come true, in the worse possible sense. Still, I have three and a half hours left before my shift ends and with the majority of my work done. I can just relax and make sure that the place doesn't catch on fire or something. And I haven’t even gotten to the best news yet. I don’t work tomorrow.
Another relaxing day off before the scourge of Monday. Anyway, this entry has gone on for long enough. I've been ranting and raving, trying to get myself to be happy with what I've been writing, and now look. This must be over four hundred words long. I’m quite proud of myself. Well done Daniel, well done.