So, it has been a while, little blog. Once again I am very
sorry to neglect you for such a long time. I can assure you it is not your
fault. You are a good little diary. One that tolerates my madness and strife
and wishes nothing more than to make my life more organised and sensible.
On that topic then, I have some good news.
As part of my new life-change. I have committed myself to
writing an entry into this diary every day.
This blog will become my proper journal, filled with my
thoughts and feelings on the course of my life. I have always intended this to
happen when I first created this blog but the slow decline in my writing and
the lack of self-confidence to publish even the smallest of sentences meant
that I had immediately push down on the brakes before even starting the engine.
So, let’s get the ball rolling.
Today is my second to last day off my current job. I have to
work this evening till 11pm, head home, catch a few Z’s before returning
promptly at 6:30 to start the early shift. To be honest, these kind of shifts
are frustrating as hell, simply because the pressure you are under in order to get
some rest so you can be fresh and ready for the next morning. This never works
out for me, I am too much of a worrier. I worry whenever I step away from the
job, knowing that the smallest thing can derail the entire thing for me the
next morning. Thankfully, nine times out of ten, this is never the case. But it
does happen.
I have been spoilt rotten by the chef here this evening. He’s
such a sweet guy. I’m gonna miss him when I go, but I have to remind myself of
a simple fact. It is not goodbye, it is simply ‘Catch ya laters.’
I hate goodbyes, the finality of it all. Sometimes whenever
I see someone go, I know that somewhere down the path I work, I’ll see them
again. And everything will be as it should be. But then, all I have to do in
the mean time is think about all the fun and excitement I’ve had with them and
that’s enough to make me realise that I was lucky to have met someone like them.
Funny how people react differently to that kind of behaviour.