Monday 25 April 2011

25th April

Well the challenge didn’t get off to an amazing start! Already five days behind on the bloody schedule, but I will try and be good!
So it is my mother’s fiancĂ©’s birthday today. I forget how old he is, but he is actually a little bit younger than my mum so it’s not too bad. You may have also noticed I didn’t call him my Dad or my Step-Dad. Well, that’s because it’s really difficult to ever see him as a Father. Cruel I know but it’s mostly his fault, he’s never tried so I just pushed the fact away!

Wednesday 20 April 2011

20th April 2011

So I've started a new challenge for myself, I plan to write everyday a total of 100 words. This could be kinda fun. We'll see.

This morning was a bloody nightmare, had to clean the entire flat out which was necessary to the point of Health and Safety. Then my mother came round for half an hour or so and then I tried to fix my new PC with new RAM but almost destroyed the motherboard in the process.

Then had work! Which was alright since it was only for 4 hours. Bloody weather though, it's just so freaking hot!