Monday 10 October 2011

A doodle

I never like "Drawing". I always feel like I can't do a good job when I'm actually tasked with creating something onto paper. However, I do enjoy Doodling and find that half of the things that I doodle actually come across quite good. So, this is something that I did during my lunch break at work yesterday.

In general I had a stressful day on Sunday. To start with I was sick and not in the best of moods to manage a retail outlet, and then when I got there I realised that I wasn't left much in the safe to work with for the day's trade. (However that was because the day before was that shop's most busiest day to date!)

So in the long and short of it, my staff and I were just barely surviving throughout the day with minimiumal change.

So this doodle was decicated to Emma, our youngest staff member and how I explained to her what should happen when presented with a customer who is eager to exchange a £20 note for a 59p item.


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