Sunday 18 September 2011

Life in general

So, you know when you wake up in the morning and you worry that you seem to be wasting your time on this planet just worrying about the small details. Shit like work, friends, family and other non-self related stuff.
I know in a way that sounds incredibly selfish yet hear me out. I have to see if everyone shares a similar opinion.

One of the main things I've always wanted to do with my life was be a writer. Have a book published and have people remember me through my adventures and words.

And everyday when I'm not writing, it feels as though I'm wasting potential time and effort when I can be a single step closer to fulfilling that dream. I want to write. I want to write so bad that it's quite painful from time to time when I fail.

The only thing  I can think of that may help me is locking myself up in a hotel somewhere for a day or two, away from sound and distractions and just write something, anything!
Actually, now that I think about that, that sounds like a good idea...

Anyway, I digress from my point.

I mean to say that some days I simply hate it when I want to spend all day writing or doing something else which benefits me in my own way when my other ties in life pull me back.

For me, this would be trying to get my dream completed. To get a book published!

What about you guys? What would you happily lock yourself away for in order to achieve?

1 comment:

  1. I one time took a stay-cation in an attempt to write an IAQ. I finished the work but the week it took to do it made me lose out on a lot of stuff.

    Contrary to popular belief one doesn't need to be smart to write, Tucker Max proved that. But you need experiences, all kinds. That is what truly makes a writer.

    So don't fear going out there. That's where the story OS whether if it's pulled verbatim from your life or if it's just something that inspired you.

    My suggestion? Get a book, like a moleskine. Write down everything. If you ever have a thought, if something ever happens, or even just have a dream. Don't let it get away! Then review it later. There could be even the greatest of stories in even the smallest detail!
